Vegan Burger Series: Episode Four – Butter Bean Kale Burger – Vegan MoFo

So the last day of this Vegan MoFo has arrived! It’s been a great and difficult ride, but lots of fun and obviously totally delicious! My final post shall be a return to the Vegan Burger series and today is my fourth episode. I had a heap of organic butter beans and some kale in the fridge so I thought, why not throw them together in a burger?! I crumbed these little beauties for some extra crunchy goodness and served them with sweet chilli sauce in toasted pita pockets – they were awesome!




Makes: 5 – 6 burgers, depending on size

  • 1 can butter beans (or any white bean)
  • 1/2 cup tvp
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 1/2 onion, chopped finely
  • 2 tablespoons potato starch
  • 1 teaspoon each dried thyme and rosemary
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 cup chopped kale
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley
  • Breadcrumbs for coating
  • pita bread, tomato, lettuce etc for serving


Start by placing the tvp in a small bowl and covering with water. Allow to sit for 5 minutes whilst the tvp soaks up the water. Drain and set aside. In a large bowl add in the beans. Mash with a fork until you have a thick paste.


To this, add in the tvp, oats, potato starch, onion, herbs, garlic, salt and pepper. Mix well until all combined. Now throw in the kale and parsley and mix again.

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Now shape the mixture into 6 patties. Roll them gently through the breadcrumbs.

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Heat some oil in a pan on high heat and cook the patties until brown on both sides, pressing gently once you have flipped them the first time.

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Now serve with some sweet chilli sauce on your pita bread with your choice of toppings. Enjoy!



Thanks everyone for your support during the month! It was really great fun and I look forward to reading back through everyone’s posts that I missed during the month 🙂


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