Blog Award Nominations!

This is so exciting! My first blog award nomination and I must thank Becky over at her wonderful site Veghotpot! for nominating me for the Sunshine Award!


If you are nominated you must include the link in a blog, linking to the person/blog that nominated you. You must answer some questions and nominate 10 fellow bloggers and links to their blogs in your post. Also, please let each of them know that you have nominated them, with a link to your page 🙂
Here are the questions:

1. Who is your favourite philosopher? As some of you may be aware, I am currently studying for a BA in Philosophy so this is a really tough question! I have Plato in front of me now and I must say I admire his storytelling and poetic language. I agree mostly with David Hume when it comes to questions of morality and freedom, and I have to give a shout out to Mr Singer for turning the light on with regards to animal liberation.

2. What is your favourite number? 8. Always has been, always will. But I have no idea why.

3. What is your favourite animal? Very difficult! I love all animals, but simply to avoid offending the little guy sitting beside me, I’ll have to say, cats!

4. What are your Facebook and Twitter?
An Ode To Mung Beans on facebook here and Twitter here

5. What is your favourite time of day? Really early in the morning. It doesn’t seem to matter what kind of weather we have, the morning is always so still and quite, especially here in central London where it is hard to find that kind of stillness otherwise.

6. What was your favourite holiday? There are many, but one that comes to mind is a trip I took to Thailand with my two brothers. It was such a blast and because my older brother once lived there he was the perfect guide.

7. What is your favourite physical activity? Swimming (when I’m home in Aus) or dancing here in London!

8. What is your favourite non-alcoholic drink? I’m hooked on this tea at the moment called Sea Buckthorn – it’s sweet and divine and makes you feel sweet and divine!

9. What is your favourite flower? Orange and yellow Gerberas. So simple and beautiful

10. What is your passion? I think you gain and accumulate so many passions through life and I must say that the one I feel most strongly about, apart from my loved ones, is the rights of animals, or you may say it is educating others about the lack of rights that animals have and how we can all help to see this change.

I nominate the following 10 people for the award:

Thanks again from the little lion and me!





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